
This qualitative single case study explored the responsibilities women identified negatively impacted their career progression when the boundaries between work and home collapsed. The study identified themes that included personal and professional factors such as work-life integration and work-family integration challenges. The guiding theoretical framework relied on spillover, societal stereotyping, crossover, feminist standpoint, and technology diffusion theories and was informed by the concepts of intersectionality, social support, work-life balance, flexibility, personal development, health and well-being, family and personal circumstances, relationships, financial stability, and work-related factors. One-on-one interviews were used to obtain data from the 21 participants on the social support systems and experiences that influenced their success. Data analysis identified themes, and data saturation was achieved. Compared to the existing literature, the study addressed the complexity of women’s experiences in leadership positions and challenges incorporating work and non-work obligations. Study results indicated the social support systems that women believed would be helpful in increasing their likelihood of success in obtaining and retaining senior leadership positions within the technology space. This encompassed professional and personal support and diversity and inclusion initiatives. Participants reported that the lack of personal and professional support impeded leadership motivation and escalated work-family stress. Understanding this relationship is essential to promoting women’s involvement and empowerment in technology leadership. By shedding light on the social responsibilities that hinder women's career growth and the social support systems needed to foster their success in leadership roles, this paper contributes valuable insights to promote gender diversity and equality within the technology industry.


The Role of Social Support in Achieving Workplace Equity-Women Know What’s Needed
Boykin, Vrnda
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
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